About Us
DASMA members are organized into six divisions. Five divisions represent manufacturers in these product categories: Gate Operator & Access Control Point Systems, Commercial & Residential Garage Doors, High Performance Doors, Door Operator & Electronics, and Rolling Door. A sixth DASMA division, the Associates Division, includes manufacturers that supply raw materials or significant components used in the manufacture and installation of door and access systems.

DASMA has an interesting history of service to the industry. Led by a board of directors, the work of our divisions is carried out by several committees.
Each active member is required to be a member of the division(s) for which it qualifies. Divisions set their own agendas, ensuring that the members’ needs and concerns are addressed. Each division’s leaders are elected from its members.
Besides the work of technical committees within each division, the association also maintains standing committees that address topics of broad concern to the industry and the association. These committees include: Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Magazine/Marketing Committee, Product Liability & Safety Committee, Training & Education Committee, and Task Force on Industry Reputation.
In the latter half of the twentieth century, vehicles became a part of daily life at home and business. Consequently, the need also grew for garages, facilities, and parking areas that are secured by garage doors, gates, and rolling doors. Today, automatic openers for these doors and gates are increasingly becoming standard appliances instead of luxuries.
Even though DASMA was established in 1996, its roots sink deeply into American history. DASMA was the result of the consolidation of two of the industry’s largest manufacturer associations: the Door Operator & Remote Controls Manufacturers Association (DORCMA) and the National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers (NAGDM). In 2006, the American Rolling Door Institute (ARDI) merged into DASMA.
DORCMA’s history reaches back to 1959 when garage door operators were taking a foothold in America. NAGDM, the first U.S. association devoted to garage door manufacturers, was established a few years later, in 1968. ARDI dates back to 1969.
With the 1996 consolidation, DASMA’s strength multiplied, combining the interests of NAGDM, DORCMA, and major manufacturers of rolling door products. DASMA’s Rolling Door Division strengthened greatly in 2006 when ARDI merged into DASMA.
The American Rolling Door Institute (ARDI), organized in 1969, was the first organization of companies focusing on rolling steel doors. ARDI centered on companies that manufactured and produced service doors, fire doors, grilles and counter shutters.
In 1997, DASMA hired a full-time technical director to represent the industry before governmental agencies and code bodies, as DASMA accelerated its efforts to promote better performing products and greater professionalism in the industry. Since then, we have earned a national reputation as the authoritative voice of the industry.
DASMA, a standards development organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), has developed many standards for the industry, several of which have been approved by ANSI. These DASMA standards are available for download in PDF format.

IDEA Board Representatives
Tony Badalamenti, Overhead Door
Mark Daus, Wayne Dalton
Tom DeSilvia, LiftMaster
Milt Prosperi, Clopay
David Reed, Amarr
Roman Troyer, Sommer USA
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