D+AS Magazine
Advertising Information
D+AS Ad Facts
Your Ad in Door + Access Systems Reaches More Readers.
Your ad in Door + Access Systems reaches our total mailing list of 20,000 door, gate, and access system professionals.
Reaches More Dealers.
Your ad reaches our quality list of more than 18,000 qualified dealers of door and access systems, more than any other publication in our industry. Our refined dealer list comes directly from the current customer lists of DASMA members.
Gets More Attention.
Your ad in our tightly edited 60-80-page magazine gets noticed much more quickly than in a larger magazine with 60-80 pages of ads.
Earns the Lowest CPM.
With our low rates and high circulation, you can earn the lowest cost-per-thousand (CPM) of the published rates of any publication in our industry. With a full-page 4-color ad in four consecutive issues of Door + Access Systems, it costs only $113 to reach 1,000 industry decision-makers year-round.
2025 Rates

* Back cover rate is charged at premium rate plus 15%.
Guaranteed positions are charged at earned rates plus 15%.
The rates above are non-commissionable. DASMA reserves the right to change advertising rates upon 60 days’ notice.
Who May Advertise?
Advertising in the magazine is a benefit of being a DASMA member. If you are not a DASMA member, you may advertise only if …
1. You are not eligible to be an Active member, or
2. You are eligible to be an Associate member.
1. DASMA members receive discounted advertising rates (the Member Rates noted in the chart above); these rates also apply for non-members who are not eligible for DASMA membership.
Premium Advertisements
- Premium positions are: inside front cover, inside back cover, back cover, pages 1, 2, 7, and the first ad in the cover story.
- Premium positions, except the first ad in the cover story, are available only if placed in four consecutive issues.
- All premium positions are charged at the four-color rate.
- Reservations for premium placement must be received by Dec. 30 for advertisements published in the following year.
- Premium positions are selected by lottery in early January.
- Back cover advertisements are 15% more than other premium positions, and they must change content after four consecutive issues.
- Only DASMA members may receive premium positions.
- Advertisers will receive one chance in the lottery for every full-page-equivalent ad placed in each issue during the previous year.
Magazine Deadlines

Ad Specifications

Advertising Space Requirements
Ad Production
Art materials are accepted as a print-ready pdf or InDesign files. Ad production requested by advertiser will be billed at cost. Macintosh files are preferred. Digital files may be uploaded directly to the printer’s FTP site at http://www.agscg-sendafile.com to the attention of Elaine Ramos. Another option is to email a print-ready, high-resolution pdf (300 dpi or greater) to the advertising manager at ann@CunninghamBaron.com.
Note: Unless new ad material is provided, your ad will be picked up from the latest issue of Door+Access Systems.
Advertising Content
No advertisement that contains price information will be accepted. The editor and publisher reserve the right to reject any advertising material that does not uphold the dignity of this professional journal or the industry it represents. Advertising that simulates editorial content must carry the word “Advertisement” in 8 pt. or larger type.
Trim Size and Bleed
Magazine trim size is 8-1/2" x 11", perfect bound. Bleed size is 8-3/4" x 11-1/4". Live matter not intended to bleed off trimmed page should be confined to 1/8” from trimmed edge. Bleeds allow 1/8” excess on all sides.
Pre-printed inserts are accepted in 4-page multiples. Contact publisher for rates and specifications.
Requests for positions (e.g., “far forward,” “right-hand page,” etc.) are honored when available. Guaranteed positions can be purchased at earned rates plus 15%. Requests for DASMA member ads will receive precedence over requests for non-member ads. If you have any questions about advertising, send an E-mail to our Advertising Sales Manager.