Five Rolling Door Installation Problems

© 2002 Door & Access Systems
Publish Date: Winter 2002
Author: Tom Wadsworth
Page 48

Technical Tips
Five Rolling Door Installation Problems

DASMA's Rolling Door Division Technical Committee has identified five problems commonly encountered when installing a metal coiling door.

Assuming that you have followed the manufacturer's instructions, you still might find the following problems. For each problem, we offer a few things to check. For a more complete checklist, see Technical Data Sheet (TDS) 260.

1. The wall angle installation is incorrect.
Make sure (a) the angles are plumb, (b) the tops of the wall angles are level, (c) guide dimensions are set correctly, and (d) the barrel and curtain are centered between the brackets and the guides.
2. The door is not level.
Check the barrel assembly. It must be installed level, even if the lintel and/or floor are not level.
3. The door is not plumb.
Are the vertical door opening surfaces plumb? Several conditions can create a wavy, skewed, or non-plumb wall. Regardless of the opening, guides must be installed plumb and true.
4. The opening is not square.
Use a 3/4/5 or 6/8/10 triangle rule to verify that all corners are 90 degrees. Regardless of the opening, the door must be installed square, and the guides must be aligned.
5. Improper tension is occurring somewhere.
Did you use proper winding bars to set tension? Note: It is unsafe to adjust the tension when the door is not in the fully open position.

Observing these common sense suggestions and following the manufacturer's instructions will help you install a rolling door efficiently and properly.

For more details about common rolling door installation problems, ask for TDS 260, prepared by DASMA's Rolling Door Division Technical Committee. To obtain a free copy of TDS 260, call DASMA at 216-241-7333 or go to