Sprinkler Systems Replacing Fire Doors?
© 2002 Door & Access Systems
Publish Date: Summer 2002
Author: Tom Wadsworth
Page 46
Sprinkler Systems Replacing Fire Doors?
Automatic sprinkler systems are invading rolling steel fire door specifications.
Several building product suppliers are finding out that some of their fire-resistive products are no longer being used in many types of buildings. The reason: The new International Building Code (IBC).
Regarding rolling steel fire doors, IBC-compliant building sprinkler systems “shall be allowed to be substituted” for 3/4-hour rated doors installed in interior walls. Also, code-compliant “water curtains” may be installed in lieu of any exterior-rated door.
Balanced Protection?
DASMA is concerned that some IBC provisions do not provide balanced fire protection. Many believe this balance is needed to maximize fire safety and protection.
DASMA has formally submitted a code change proposal addressing the “water curtain” exception. The association is also contacting other interested associations to gather support for future IBC code change proposals.
If you have any feedback on this subject, contact Joe Hetzel, DASMA technical director, at 216-241-7333, fax 216-241-0105, or Jhetzel@taol.com.