Winter 2009-10 View Online  |  Subscribe  |  Find Suppliers
D&AS Insider

No Decision From Congress on 2010 Tax Credits

US Captial

Since the U.S. Congress has not yet ruled on the fate of the $1,500 U.S. energy tax credit for qualifying insulated garage doors, the tax credit is still in effect. When Congress reconvenes later this month, they can quickly take action on this issue.

You are still urged to contact key legislators. DASMA continues to monitor Congressional activity daily and will announce any news when available. Read on

Web Site Advice for Door Dealers

Web Site AdviceBrian Kraff knows the science of Web site marketing, and he knows door and gate dealers. In this feature story, he shares inside secrets of winning Web sites and how to work with Google to increase traffic to your site. Read on

Survey Reveals Typical Dealer’s Profile, Practices, Products

Survey Dealer ProfilesHow many employees does the typical door and gate dealer have? What is the age of the typical dealer? What percentage of dealers sells rolling doors? Gate operators? A new nationwide dealer survey has the answers. Read on

Selling by Signage

Selling by SignageThis Ohio dealer recently erected the nation’s largest digital garage door sign next to a major interstate highway. He can change the sign’s message in minutes, and his exposure continues day and night. Read on

Top Company News
FlexiForce Opens U.S. Facility

FlexiforceA major European manufacturer of garage door hardware is now in the United States, distributing to manufacturers and dealers in the U.S.A., Canada, and Latin America. The new business is led by longtime veterans of the U.S. door and access systems industry. Read all Company News.

The Top Three DASMA Technical Data Sheets

Of the 90+ DASMA Technical Data Sheets available online, the top three most-downloaded sheets offer expert advice on Connecting Door Jambs to Framing, Sectional Door Terminology, and Garage Doors and Ventilation.

  Ranch House Door
  National Door Industries


D&AS Insider is emailed quarterly to more than 5,000 professionals in the door and access systems industry. Door & Access Systems newsmagazine is mailed quarterly to 20,000 industry professionals. Approximately 90 percent of our magazine readers are door and access systems dealers.

The magazine and this newsletter are published by the Door & Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA), North America’s primary association of manufacturers of garage doors, rolling doors, door and gate operating devices, high performance doors, and related products.

Door & Access Systems


1300 Sumner Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2851
Phone 216-241-7333
Fax 216-241-0105


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